
Extra virgin meets its Mediterranean match: sardines. Considered a delicacy on the Iberian Peninsula, canned sardines are delicious on their own, but can be added to a variety of dishes. Our favorite: serve them with a drizzle of EVOO and a side of Spanish-style potato chips. This set comes with our ENHANCE as well as a tin of sardines preserved in olive oil.

This medium intensity oil plays a supporting role in your dish — it elevates without overtly standing out. It pairs perfectly with roasted vegetables, dips, pasta, fish, poultry, grains, and tofu, but will taste delicious with whatever you fancy.

Our new-harvest ENHANCE comes from olives grown in the northern California town of Woodland, and is made from one of our absolute-favorite varietals: picual. Harvested in November 2023, it's bright and vibrant with tomato vine aroma, green almond, and herbs — like walking through a green garden. Full of flavor, aroma, freshness.

PRMRY's 375ml bottles are sealed with a wooden closure, and made of glass coated with eco-friendly, organic, UV spray.


Exceptional extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a flawless, fresh juice, packed with phenols — those antioxidants that fight disease and promote good health. EVOO is fruity, flavorful, bitter and spicy, and should be consumed within about four months of opening.